Help 2 Buy Windows™, the UK’s #1 Double Glazing Installer
Do You Meet The Basic Criteria For All Options?
If these essential criteria are met, we will call you to discuss the best options available
Help 2 Buy Windows, Rated Most Trusted Installer in the UK
Experience exceptional double-glazing installation services with the UK’s number-one-rated double glazing installer. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as the country’s top choice for homeowners. Our expert technicians use only the finest materials to ensure maximum energy efficiency and a flawless finish. Upgrade your property with the best, and choose the UK’s leading double-glazing installer today.
Help to Buy Windows, What Options are Available With H2B Windows?
1. Free Windows & Doors H2B Windows Grant Scheme (Qualifying Criteria Apply) Qualifying homeowners can have new windows & doors installed with absolutely no cost.
The Help to buy Windows Scheme is committed to helping those in need to improve their energy efficiency and lower their energy bills through the installation of high efficiency double glazed windows and doors.
Window Grants will be handed out subject to qualifying criteria & funding levels available for the scheme.
The Help 2 Buy Windows Grant has nothing to do with the UK government it is funded 100% by help 2 buy windows through the sale of leads to our clients
2. Window & Door Funding (Qualifying Criteria Apply)
A select few UK based installation companies working with the Help 2 Buy Windows Scheme have access to funding options designed to help homeowners gain access to home improvements that would otherwise be unaffordable to many.
Using funding options, you can spread the cost of new windows & doors and eliminate the need to part with any large sums of money, in fact many of these funding options require absolutely no upfront costs.
Your needs will be accessed on a case by case basis to ascertain the level of funding required to obtain new windows and doors for your property.
Funding for this option is not provided by Help 2 Buy Windows, if you do not qualify for the grant you will be offered the option to be passed to one of our installation partners who will provide funding through their own funding facility.
3. Best 4 Less Guaranteed
For homeowners looking to purchase windows & doors.
With Best4Less we confidently guarantee you won’t find better quality, security and value products at the same price anywhere else GUARANTEED.
By dealing straight with the manufacturer best4less can cut out the typical wholesale and retail costs of buying new windows, saving you thousands of pounds off your new windows and doors.
Each time products change hands they have mark-up added to them, by the time the windows reach the installation company up to 40% could have been added on to the price of the windows by the wholesale suppliers, we eliminate this cost by only dealing with the very largest manufactures in the country.
Can I Get Grant For New Windows?
Yes, if you meet the Help 2 Buy Windows Grant criteria, you could have your windows & doors replaced free of charge. Complete our Easy Grant Checker and quickly see if you qualify for any Grants, Double Glazing Funding or Incentives to help with the cost of your new windows & doors.
Can I get my windows replaced for free?
If you qualify for a full Double Glazing Grant, you could have your windows & doors replaced entirely free of charge. Help to Buy Windows will quickly check if you qualify for any Grants, Funding or incentives for free windows.
Still don’t believe it?
Watch some of our video testimonials of people that have had their windows & doors installed for free

Help 2 Buy Windows Grant Installation Warrington, Cheshire
Max from Warrington shares her incredible experience with Help 2 Buy Windows. After struggling with condensation problems and being ineligible for other grants, she discovered the privately funded Help 2 Buy Grant. Max was thrilled to receive £8,000 worth of brand-new windows, giving her fresh air, warmth, and a home free of daily window wiping and drafts. Hear how this unique grant felt like a gift to her, and how it transformed her home. Discover how you too could benefit from this amazing opportunity!

Help 2 Buy Windows Grant Installation Brandon, Suffolk
Mr Webdale qualified for a full grant, covering the complete installation of his new windows & doors. We are proud to have completed this installation, as the condition of the windows and doors was extremely bad. The front and back entrances were not secure and could have been easily opened outside. Mr Webdale lives alone with his son, who has autism; he was concerned that his son would have to wear his coat inside the property during the winter as the old wooden windows and doors were so draughty.

Help 2 Buy Windows Grant Donation Luton & Dunstable University Hospital Parents Accommodation

Help 2 Buy Windows Grant Installation Drybrook, Gloustershire
I have been a lone parent since my younger daughter Bethanie was 4 days old. Over the last 5 years that Beth has been seriously ill I have quickly depleted my life savings that I worked so hard to achieve. I ended up surviving on benefits and support from my sister, this does not make me feel comfortable, I have always been independent and proud to be able to financially support my little family…
Click here to read the full testimonial
Help 2 Buy Windows Grant Installation Gillingham, Kent

Help 2 Buy Windows Grant Customer Installation Laoning Head, Alston
H2B Windows paid for a new front door for this lovely customer. We paid 100% of the money for the installation and had no help from any Government organisations. Completed April 2019

Help 2 Buy Windows Grant Customer Installation Hull, East Yorkshire
H2B Windows Funded a new front door for this lovely customer. We funded 100% of the money for this double glazing installation and had no help from any Government organisations. Completed May 2019

H2B Windows Reviews – Grant Installation – Evesham, Worcestershire
H2B Windows Installed new windows and doors for this wonderful lady. Due to a lack of funds, she was, unfortunately, unable to replace the windows herself. Help to Buy Windows has managed to provide these new windows without any help from the UK Government. Completed August 2019